“Monday Mystery” – SAINTS AND SINNERS

I’ll be interviewing mystery writer, Virgil Alexander, this coming Wednesday. In the meantime, his latest, SAINTS AND SINNERS, is now out from Oak Tree Press. Here’s a quick peek:

CF - Saints and Sinners final frontSynopsis

In northern Mexico, when charismatic teenager Marianna Villalobos’ spiritual gift begins to impact the cash flow of the Liones drug cartel, a hit order is issued on the girl. The Liones assassin is so affected by her gift that he goes to the police and asks for protection for her. Mariana is moved to a secret place in eastern Arizona, where Deputies Allred and Sanchez and Apache Policeman Al Victor become involved in protecting her as international law enforcement works in three countries to dismantle the gang.

Set in Arizona, Sonora, and Spain, the story touches on the border issues of the day as they affect rural police work. Written in a background of ranching, Hispanic, Apache, Mormon, and contemporary Western culture, the story is fast moving and gripping.


“… call for backup and observe from a distance. …and don’t confront anybody.”

“Okay, Bren. I was thinking the same thing; something doesn’t feel right about this. I’ll avoid any contact and keep you informed of everything.”

Bren worried about Manny being twenty minutes away from any assistance. If the confrontation were with a single perpetrator with comparable firepower, Manny would certainly be able to hold his own. He’s a marksman, smart, and has good instincts but hasn’t come under fire. With possibly half-a-dozen men carrying superior weapons, it would be bad for anybody, much less an inexperienced officer.


Virgil Alexander

Virgil Alexander was born and raised near Globe-Miami, Arizona. He grew up in the outdoors shooting, hunting, fishing, hiking, and riding his family’s horses. He loved exploring historic places and studying Arizona history. He had an interest in law enforcement due to the fact that many members of his family were law officers. His neighbors were ranchers, miners, and small town merchants and officials. His friends came from among those families and included Hispanics, Apaches, and descendants of immigrants who came from all over Europe. These experiences are all reflected in his stories, mysteries set in small town and rural Arizona, often reflecting the natural and human history of the area. His first book, The Wham Curse, introduced Deputies Bren Allred and Manny Sanchez, and San Carlos Apache Tribal Policeman Al Victor, who are also the protagonists in Saints & Sinners and a third not yet completed mystery The Baleful Owl.

SAINTS AND SINNERS can be purchased from his own website, Oak Tree Books, or Amazon.

Originally posted 2014-05-05 06:00:47.